
Year 10 Geography – Swanage Fieldtrip – A Student’s Review

Matthew Raines writes about the recent Year 10 Geography fieldtrip to Swanage.

So I’m back from Swanage and let me just tell you, I had a really good time, which exceeded my expectations so much! I loved nearly every second, and I know that sounds so cliche, but it’s true.

Day 1 – Monday 6th July 2015

Day 1 was really good; we traveled down from school to the hostel. The coach journey was relaxing and in my opinion the hostel was really nice!  Soon we arrived at Allnatt centre. After that my group had a lesson about the coast around swanage, we then had tea, I ate fish and chips, yay!

Then we went on a walk to the beach, we drew sketches of slumps and other features. We then went back to the hostel and had another lesson where we evaluated our work. Then we chilled and went to sleep, it was a good first day and I hope tomorrow will be the same.

Day 2 – Tuesday 7th July 2015

On Day 2 my group went for a massive walk, on the way we collected field sketches and had lessons on the beach from my teacher (Mr Douglas). It was actually really interesting to learn about different beach management techniques and the formation of the beach and other landforms. The walk was challenging to say the least, however it was okay, as we had the guidance of the teachers and we were all with our friends. We walked back to the hostel where we had free time in the centre of Swanage! It was really cute and sunny!!

Day 3 – Wednesday 8th July 2015

Today was a fun day!

On Day 3 my group went to collect data for the coursework in and around the Lulworth area. We boarded the coach to travel down to Lulworth to carry out our coursework task. This generally included sketches, traffic and pedestrian counts, measuring footpaths and other forms of collecting data (eating ice cream). We walked along a long footpath that lead us to Man O War cove where we recorded more data and then ate our lunch! We investigated and collected data on the effects of tourism and recorded our results in a booklet, which the teachers had prepared! We collected data for the most part of the day, it was fun though, as we could walk around Lulworth with our friends and weren’t attached to the teachers all of the time! After that we had a talk with one of the Lulworth rangers! I learnt lots of interesting facts, which I am sure will help me with my coursework. On the last night most of us hung out on the massive field at the back of the hostel. It’s a really big space where everyone could do there own thing, it was actually really funny as we played basket ball and then sang and danced to “Let It Go” Bwhaaahah!!  We also packed our suitcases the night before so we could set off early in the morning.

Day 4 – Thursday 9th July 2015

On Day 4 we woke up and generally just had a day of traveling home, it was cool kinda, though as we boarded a small chain ferry to cut some time of the journey home. Mr Douglas was also “informing” us about features of the beach, such as spits as we were traveling on the boat!!! Hmm. We were delayed slightly by a car fire on the A34, where traffic was stopped on both carriageways for 30 minutes.

I had a really good journey home as I watched loads of films and just chilled, as the last couple of days had been fairly intense! We arrived back at school around 3:45 so it wasn’t such a long journey.

In total I had a really good time as I got to be with my friends and took loads of cool selfies on the beach but also completed the data collection for my coursework at the same time. The hostel was also nice and clean however I have to admit it was really good to be back in my own bed! Thanks to all you teachers who arranged and went on the trip!! I also vlogged the whole trip and they are currently on my YouTube Channel! I had a really good time and made memories that will last a lifetime! Thanks for everything. Matt.

Below are a selection of photographs taken by Matthew.


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