
PTFA News – November 2015

ptfa logo500 Club Draw

Congratulations to this month’s winners:

  • 1st Prize – No 431 – £60 C Smith
  • 2nd Prize – No 62 – £30 S Hoyle
  • 3rd Prize – No 259 – £20 D Howarth – Also won in December 2011 and October 2014.

The cheques are in the post.

Since January 2015, we have been able to donate £2,800 to the PTFA and yet we only have 328 members. Imagine how much more of a difference we could make to the children if more people joined, plus the prize money would go up.  If you know anyone who wishes to join, please download a form on the website from the PTFA page. To see previous winners and all our contributions, please visit the 500 Club page.

School Requests

Work has started on the Year 11 Common Room; the snowplough has been ordered in the form of a Quad Bike, to which a trailer can be attached so that it will be useful all through the year; the sublimation printer has been ordered for the DT Department. The PTFA also agreed to stock up on more lion key-rings, which are one of the gifts that are available for the recipients of the Headteacher’s award to choose from. They are very popular among the pupils, especially the Sixth Formers.


Christmas Fair: we discussed the staffing of the stalls, finalised catering needs and stuffed envelopes with this year’s raffle tickets. One of our new mums is able to donate the bread, cakes, water and coke cans; thank you so much… that’s very generous – If you have any last minute idea or wish to volunteer, please contact j.atkins@cromptonhouse.org

Spring Ball: the invitations and reservation forms have been sent via Parentmail and we have already sold a table, which is fantastic. Please check our website to view last year’s photo gallery. It is a night not to miss especially as the Ball celebrates its 10th anniversary and will be held at the White Hart Inn on Saturday the 27th February 2016. The theme is ‘Putting on the Glitz”. If you have any queries about the ball, please contact me on s.lawrence@cromptonhouse.org

Our Chair, Mr Upton thanked all the volunteers, whom helped with refreshments at the Sixth Form Open Evening and Year 13 Parents’ evening and more volunteers are on the list to help out at the forthcoming Year 12 and 7 Parents’ evenings as well as the Christmas Music evening. It is really appreciated.

To consult our minutes and accounts, please visit the PTFA pages.

Please keep supporting all your PTFA events; it makes a huge difference to our children’s learning experience.

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