
Christmas Concerts 2015

During December the school’s musicians were very busy. On the same day as the Christmas Fair the Brass Band performed at St James’ Church in Derker, for Oldham Metro Rotary.  This was a lovely concert with a variety of local music groups. The music was excellent, under the baton of Mr Leedale, with great solo cornet playing by Vicky Dennis of Year 10. We were delighted to receive the following from David Wright of the Rotary Club of Oldham Metro “A brief note to thank you and the School Band for a wonderful contribution to our Carol Concert on Saturday evening. The Children were a credit to the School and to their parents, not just for their performance but their behaviour throughout the evening. We have had great feedback on this year’s event as well as raising money for a good cause. Please pass on my best wishes to Mr Leedale who played a big part in the successful evening.”

Many of our pupils extend their musicianship with the Oldham Council Music Service, and the following week they were involved in the Oldham Music Centre Christmas Concerts at the Queen Elizabeth Hall.  This gave the pupils the opportunity to play an even wider repertoire of Christmas music with young musicians from all over Oldham.

Every year the Oldham Evening Chronicle organise a Festival of Carols at Oldham Parish Church, and the for past three years the Crompton House Brass Band has played a selection of Christmas music and accompanied the carols.  For the Year 11 students in the band this was a good opportunity to meet up whilst on their Work Experience placements.

Also during the Work Experience week we held our Lower School Christmas Concert.  This was a new venture for the school, putting the younger musicians centre-stage.  Another break with tradition meant that this was held in the afternoon, so that we could be joined by pupils from the primary schools in the Junior Orchestra. Other groups that performed included the Guitar & Ukelele Groups, the Boys’ Choir, the Girls’ Choir, the Cornet Group, the Training Band and the Musical Theatre Group who certainly did “Sparkle and Shine”! Congratulations also to the soloists; Adam Saville (Keyboard) and Madison Yates & William Hendry (Clarinet). Many thanks to the Sixth Form Music Prefects, Megan, Hannah, Rachael, Abi, Eleanor, Rhiannon, Darcey and Freya, who helped stage manage the proceedings. This event was very well attended and the high numbers in the different groups fully justified the concert’s inclusion in the school’s music calendar.

Our evening Christmas Concert started with the traditional candlelit procession, and again, the excellent standards of musicianship and high level of participation was most impressive, and enjoyed by all. The concert featured the Senior Orchestra, Year 12 A Capella Group, the Senior Choir, Year 12 Wind Quintet, the Percussion Group, the Musical Theatre Group, the Guitar Group, the Brass Band and the Senior Wind Band who in the finale accompanied the audience in the “12 Days of Christmas” with actions led by Darcey McCoy & Patrick Cooke!

On the last day of term the Brass Ensemble played a selection of Christmas music around the school during registration

During Advent the level of musicianship and participation was most impressive and many thanks must go to our Director of Music, Mrs Nixon, Miss Warburton, Music teacher, together with Mr Leedale, Mr Meadon, Mr Housley, Mr Smith and Mrs Hartnell-Booth from the Oldham Music Service.

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