
Year 11 Work Experience

Work Experience for our Year 11 students took place the week after they had sat their GCSE mock exams in December.  Pupils were at a wide variety of businesses including hospitals, offices, schools and colleges.  The reports we received from the supervisors were extremely positive and a huge credit to the pupils.

“He is a lovely young man and a credit to both his parents and his school.  He is welcome back anytime.”

“He was an absolute please to work with – a very helpful young man with a can-do attitude.  I would like to thank him for his hard work and hope he receives recognition for his professionalism during his week, a credit to your school.  He was very smart and punctual.”

“Both students have been outstanding during the time at our primary school.  They have applied themselves consistently to the highest standards in every part of school life. They have felt like part of the team.  They are a a credit to themselves and your school.”

One student went to the House of Lords EU Select Committee with her supervisor and her picture was on the tweet section of Parliament and on the CBI Twitter account.

Another pupil reported “Just to show you, I got taught today how to prepare pizza dough and make a pizza This is my first ever cheesy bites veggie hot pizza that I made! It was purchased for £15!!!!” 

Many thanks to everyone who provided placements for our Year 11 students, they certainly got a lot a lot out of their experiences.


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