
Joseph by Years 7 & 8

Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, performed by a cast of over 70 of our youngest pupils was a fantastic success. Directors Darcey McCoy and Megan Fielden from Year 12 with Mrs Hammond and Mrs Nixon put on a fantastically colourful show in just two months.  All the pupils put in so much effort into their parts and the musicians and backstage crew made sure the two performances were at the highest standard possible.  After the show Deputy Head, Mr Upton said “The pupils were so good, working together and helping each other to ensure a top-rate show.  I was asked by Mrs Nixon to play the part of Jacob, the elderly father of Joseph’s family, quite late on, and as I had not acted on the stage since the age of 10, I was really worried I would let the pupils down.  However, all the pupils were well briefed and made sure I was always in the right place at the right time.  I found learning my six lines was almost impossible so I have tremendous respect for the cast who learnt so many lines off by heart. Particular praise should go to Chris Nixon (Joseph) who was in almost every scene, and played the role so well, and to Lydia Mackin who, as well as singing and dancing excellently, learnt all the words, including the 29 colours of the coat in the right order, with no words in the book she held! Praise and thanks also go to Darcey and Megan, who showed how the younger pupils  benefit by the school having a Sixth Form and how the older benefit by getting such great leadership opportunities. I am sure all parents were as proud of their children as we at school were. I hope you enjoy viewing the photos below.”


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