
A week in the life of a school governor

It’s been busy and exciting week as a governor of Crompton House School. On Wednesday and Thursday evenings last week, the school welcomed its new intake of pupils who will join us in Year 7 this September. Staff and fellow governors greeted pupils and their parents who attended the school to discover which House they would be in and meet their new form classmates and form tutors for the first time. Pupils and their parents were treated to a fashion show by our current Year 7 pupils, displaying our girls and boys uniforms and PE kits.

Wednesday (17th June) the new pupils in the Houses Crompton and Cocker took part in activities with their Head of House designed to help them get to know one another and begin to find out more about what they can expect in September. Thursday (18th June) was the turn of Ridley and Ormerod Houses and whilst the children were busy getting to know each other, Parents received a presentation by senior staff including tips on how they can help their children to settle into life at Crompton House school. Staff and governors were on hand to answer any questions parents had about the school.

All pupils were very well behaved on both nights and those I spoke to were really excited and looking forward to starting with us this September. The pupils will be invited back to the school again in July for 2 full days during the Borough transfer days.

On Friday morning (19th June), I was privileged to be able to attend the final day of the 50th Oldham Schools Music Festival at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, where a number of musical groups from Crompton House School were performing. This annual event is a celebration of the musical talent of the young people of Oldham and the schools who support and embrace their development.

The audience were treated to confident performances by the Crompton House Training Band, ably conducted by Miss Warburton as well as contemporary pieces by the Junior Orchestra. This group, consisting of musicians from local primary schools and our own musicians, meet to practice each week at Crompton House School.

The Years 8 & 9 girls’ choir delivered a delightful rendition of The Circle of Life from ‘The Lion King’ and Breaking Free from the film ‘High School Musical’. Both performances were beautifully sung, clear and precise with lovely harmonies accompanied by Mrs Nixon, Director of Music on the piano.



The Crompton House Musical Theatre group stole the show, performing 2 engaging pieces. The first, At the End of the Day from ‘Les Miserable’, followed by One Short Day from the musical ‘Wicked’. Delivering a powerful piece of theatre, the newly formed group were energetic and captivating receiving a very well deserved and vigorous round of applause from the audience. I felt very proud as a governor to be a part of Crompton House School. A huge hats off to the students who took part in all the performances. The students, Mrs Nixon and Miss Warburton have clearly put in many hours of practice and hard work with the resulting performances being a credit to them and the school.

Here are a couple of excerpts from the performances for you to enjoy.


The event adjudicator Keith Allen commended the talents of all our young performers. Mr Allen is a highly respected Musical and Artistic Director and Conductor.

Also performing at the festival on Friday, it was a joy to be able to hear and see the talented young musicians and singers from our neighbouring primary schools of Buckstones, Thornham St James and East Crompton St James, some of whom will continue their musical journey with us at Crompton House School this year or in future years to come.

The standard of all the musical performances was very high. Gerard Booth, Head of Oldham Council Music Service paid tribute to the schools who continued to find the time and resource in a challenging educational climate to enrich our pupils lives in the creative arts. A great end to a most enjoyable week celebrating the musical heritage of our school. I am now looking forward to hearing and seeing more at our Summer Concert on 26th June.

Yvonne Farrand – Foundation Governor

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