Admissions Information
Quick Links
Crompton House School recognises that choosing which secondary school your child attends is one of the most important decisions any parent will make. Secondary education provides the foundation for their life as adults. Your child will acquire the skills, knowledge and qualifications they will need to progress onto further education and fulfilling, rewarding careers.
We are a Church of England mixed comprehensive school for pupils of all abilities aged 11 to 19 years. All pupils are taught within a caring, supportive environment underpinned by the school’s Christian ethos.
We hope our website will give you a flavour of our school and what it can offer to you and your child. Open Evenings for Year 6 pupils are held in the Autumn term each year for parents and pupils to come along to meet our governors, staff and current pupils, ask questions and see our facilities.

How to Apply Year 7 - 11
Applications for places at Crompton House School are made to the Local Authority (this is the Authority in which you live and pay council tax to) using their online application process. The Local Authority will provide details of how to make your application whilst your child is in Year 6 and can also be found on their website.
Applicants MUST ALSO submit a separate Supplementary Form directly to the school. The Supplementary Form is used to score your application against our admissions criteria. The form must be completed by your place of worship and submitted to Crompton House School directly by the closing date. Please note that the date for submission of the Supplementary Form is often earlier than the online Local Authority application and can vary depending on which authority you are applying to.
The deadline for applications will be advised by the Local Authority and are detailed on the Supplementary Form.
Information from the Supplementary Form is provided to the Local Authority by the School to be used in the event of over-subscription for school places. All applications are processed and places offered by the Local Authority according to our Admissions Policy.
How to get a Supplementary Form
Supplementary forms are available for download from this page and are currently available for the 2024 term.
If you are unable to print the application, please send either an A4 or A5 self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage applied.
Crompton House School
Rochdale Road
OL2 7H
Download Supplementary Form
Supplementary Forms can be downloaded here.
How to submit the Supplementary Form
Supplementary Forms can be submitted by post to the address below and must be received on or before the closing date of 31st October 2024 by 5pm. If you require a receipt to acknowledge that we have received your postal application, please provide a stamped addressed envelope with your form.
Janet Slater (Admissions Officer)
Crompton House C of E School
Rochdale Road
Who to contact for more information
If you have any further questions about the application process or need assistance with how to complete the supplementary form, please contact our admissions team for advice:
Telephone: 01706 847 451
How you will find out if you have a place
Applications are processed and places offered by the Local Authority in line with our Admissions Policy. The Local Authority will advise you of the result of your application on ‘Offer Day’ which is usually the Monday on or after the 1st of March each year.
Crompton House School is unable to provide any information about places offered until two weeks after Offer Day.
'In Year' Admissions Applications
Crompton House School is regularly over-subscribed in each academic year, therefore it is unusual for places to become available for ‘In Year’ transfer applications. However, in the unlikely event a place becomes available ‘In Year’ places are allocated according to the admissions criteria for the relevant academic year.
Parents wishing to make an application for ‘In Year’ admission should make an online application to the Local Authority using their online application process. Details of this process can be found on the Local Authority website.
Admissions Policy Main School 2024
See our admissions policy leaflet below.
Unsuccessful Applicants may appeal for a place at the school. Appeals are heard by the Local Authority, in accordance with the Appeals Code and the School Admissions Code. Please find below the time frame for admission appeals for 2024 entry into Crompton House Church of England School. All appeal dates, times and venues are arranged by the Local Authority. Dates are provisional only and may be subject to change.
Admission Appeals – Time Frame – 2024 Entry
1st March 2024 ‘National Offer Day’ – Year 7 offer letters/emails sent to parents/carers by the Local Authority.
1st March 2024 ‘National Offer Day’ – Appeals process opens. Parents/carers who wish to appeal should do so by visiting the Oldham Council Website or by contacting the Local Authority directly on 0161 770 4213 (select option 2).
17th April 2024 – Applications for appeals to be completed and submitted to the Local Authority.
MAT Schools
Schools of Crompton House Church of England Multi Academy Trust
The following schools comprise the Crompton House Church of England Multi Academy Trust with primary schools being covered by criteria 6 of the admissions policy of Crompton House Church of England school.
Secondary Schools
Crompton House Church of England School
Rochdale Road
High Crompton
Oldham OL2 7HS
Tel: 01706 847451
Primary Schools
Beal Vale Primary School
Salts Street
Tel: 0161 770 5752
Sixth Form Admissions information
Website Accessibility Statement
Government guidance on public sector website accessibility published by the government in full here states that:
The following organisations are partially exempt from the accessibility regulations:
primary and secondary schools or nurseries – except for the content people need in order to use their services, for example a form that lets you outline school meal preferences.
With this in mind, please email