

Christmas Concerts 2015

During December the school’s musicians were very busy. On the same day as the Christmas Fair the Brass Band performed at St James’ Church in Derker, for Oldham Metro Rotary.  This was a lovely concert with a variety of local music groups. The music was excellent, under the baton of Mr Leedale, with great solo […]

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PTFA Christmas Fair

Christmas at Crompton House traditionally starts with the the PTFA Christmas Fair.  This was a lovely day, and despite the rain outside, was very successful.  Many thanks most go to the all the parents, pupils and staff who gave up their time, and to those who supported the fair, especially with the prizes for the

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School Games Gold Award

    In the last week of the Autumn Term Crompton House School was presented with the Sainsbury’s School Games Gold Award by international inline skater Jenna Downing.  This was a very well deserved accolade for the school’s PE Department and recognises the high levels participation and success in a wide variety of sports played

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There were fireworks in the state of Denmark on 5th November, when 16 of Crompton House’s  finest actors took to the stage at Manchester’s Contact theatre to perform Hamlet in the Shakespeare Schools Festival.  And they were magnificent.  Don’t just take my word for it, a member of the audience email the school to say

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Afternoon Tea With The German Exchange Students

During the visit of our German Exchange students the Year 9 Hospitality & Catering class prepared and served a traditional English Afternoon Tea, which included salmon sandwiches, Victoria sponge and scones. Everyone was very impressed with the quality of the food and the high standards in service at the tables, especially as the pupils have

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