

There were fireworks in the state of Denmark on 5th November, when 16 of Crompton House’s  finest actors took to the stage at Manchester’s Contact theatre to perform Hamlet in the Shakespeare Schools Festival.  And they were magnificent.  Don’t just take my word for it, a member of the audience email the school to say

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Governors receive recognition

The Governors are so proud to announce that, after two years of hard work, the Governing Body has been successful in achieving the Governor Mark Accreditation.

Governor Mark is a national award and is supported by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF), which only few secondary schools have achieved so far. It is a quality standard, which provides external evaluation of the quality of school governance. This award is challenging because, not only does a governing body need to show that it follows good procedures and fulfils statutory duties, but there is also a high value placed on evidence of impact – the difference the governing body makes to a school.

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