Computer Science
The Computer Science and IT department at Crompton House intends to help all students to develop digital literacy whilst having the opportunity to learn concepts and principles of Computer Science and Information Technology. We combine practical and computer-based skills with creative thinking to design and develop systems that meet a range of needs. Students learn the impact of computers on our lives, how to apply key computer science skills to situations, and develop an understanding of how computational thinking is used in everyday activities. Student are encouraged to become articulate in using appropriate subject vocabulary across a range of contexts.
We follow a spiral curriculum model that is designed to allow students to progress at their own pace by developing programming skills, knowledge and understanding across topic areas. Our schemes of work outline how learners’ understanding will be checked, how misconceptions will be addressed, and which topic areas and skills require a higher frequency of metacognition to ensure all new learning can be recalled.
Our curriculum follows all statutory requirements to ensure a high-quality computing education. Impact is measured through a range of formative and summative assessments, as well as regular marking and feedback which adheres to the whole school marking policy. Once a key assessment has been completed, students are provided with a feedback sheet which clearly outlines what went well and what a student’s next steps should be to progress further. These are then crossed referenced to their Personal Learning Checklist (PLCs) which can be viewed by both students and parents.