
Duke of Edinburgh Award Summer 2017

The Summer of 2017 saw the Crompton House Duke of Edinburgh groups out in the wilds completing the expedition sections of their awards. They were on the Saddleworth Moors, further south in the Peak District, over to the north east for the Yorkshire 3 Peaks, and the Gold groups were on the Helvellyn hills of the Lake District. The pupils were challenged by the environment and the weather but did brilliantly.  Their resolve to succeed accounted for a lot of their success, but the hard work and organisational skills of their leaders, Mr Hardman (Bronze), Mr Wroe (Silver) and Mrs Franklin (Gold) also played a large part. The teachers were helped by over twenty CHS teachers and support staff, and a large number of parent volunteers who all gave up many days to help the pupils on the hills.  We are very grateful to the parents and staff, without whom we could not run the D of E scheme. Thanks also goes to Mrs Buckley in the Pupil Hub, who helps the staff and pupils to ensure that everything is recorded accurately on the eDofE link. The photos above show all three groups on the hills this year.

At the end of the Gold expedition the pupils managed to pose for a group photo, before collapsing on the coach home! In total we had 235 pupils on expeditions , 42 Gold, 77 Silver and 106 Bronze. A fantastic number.

These photos show some of our Gold Award successes receiving their certificates at St James Palace, Buckingham Palace and Edinburgh’s Hollyrood Palace. It was great for the students to meet the Duke of Edinburgh at one of his last functions before his retirement from events. The page from the “Knowledge” gives more details of the day at Buckingham Palace, as well as our Spring D of E Presentation at school which included the Diamond Challenge.

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