

Extra Curricular Music at Crompton House School


Christmas Assembly Video

CHS 2020 Christmas Concert Part 1

CHS 2020 Christmas Concert Part 2

Music Tuition and Groups

Crompton House is a very musical school, and we are proud of our students’ many musical achievements.  We have a range of ensembles including choirs, a brass band, a wind band, an orchestra and a musical theatre group.  We also run training ensembles for students at an earlier stage in their learning.

The students perform large and small scale pieces both in school and at other venues.  They regularly take part in the Music for Youth festivals, evensongs at local cathedrals and the Oldham Schools Music Festival.

The school works in partnership with the Oldham Music Service and is particularly pleased with the huge progress our students make as a result of the tuition and guidance they receive.  We have 11 staff visiting the school each week, involved in small group learning and ensemble tuition.  In addition practice sessions take place for upcoming musical events and trips and Musical Theatre Productions for both upper and lower school.

The Oldham Music Service Team

Duncan Byers – Brass & Senior Wind Band Hannah Davis – Singing Helena Drumm – Lower Strings Tracey Hartnell-Booth – Woodwind Andy Housley – Guitar Jonathan Leedale – Brass Band Richard Lord – Upper Strings Jane Meaden – Woodwind Roger Meaden – Brass & Brass Ensemble Angie Radcliffe – Piano & Keyboard Adrian Smith – Drumkit & Percussion

Music Tuition

Crompton House works with the Oldham Music Service to provide instrument tuition in school. Tuition can be arranged on request:

  • Tuition is available in brass, woodwind, orchestral strings, guitar, keyboard, piano, drumkit and percussion as well as vocal tuition.
  • There are a limited number of places available.
  • Pupils who have not previously played are invited to start playing an instrument.
  • The charge includes the loan of an instrument where required.
  • Pupils entering the scheme must do so for a minimum of one full school year (ie three terms). This means that you must pay for 3 terms’ tuition even if your son/daughter stops attending lessons partway through the year. You must inform the Finance Office as soon as possible, in writing, if a pupil wishes to cancel tuition and where possible before the start of the next/new academic year. Reminders will be sent for non-payment of tuition fees.

The Tuition Rota

Pupils are withdrawn from normal school lessons for the half-hour of their music tuition. Group sizes for tuition are usually three or four; groups are not normally larger than five. Rotas are arranged so that the subject missed should vary from week to week. All normal school work must be caught up with and kept up to date, so pupils need to show diligence and commitment in this respect, as well as musical aptitude!

Instruments Storage, Identification and Insurance

Storage rooms are available for instruments during the school day, however pupils are encouraged not to leave instruments in school overnight.  A good level of vigilance is exercised by Music Staff but safe custody of instruments cannot ultimately be guaranteed. Instruments remain parents’ responsibility at all times.

Whether parents’/pupils’ own property or loaned, all instruments should be adequately insured by parents.

All instruments should be labelled or clearly identifiable.  Parents should keep a record of instrument make, model and any serial number.

School Music Groups

Music is a very important part of life at Crompton House. All students are invited to take part in a range of musical activities and we encourage our pupils to be a part of the many extra opportunities on offer.

Our choirs are open to all interested pupils.

Instrumental groups are open to all players of a suitable standard, whether they take lessons in school or with a teacher outside the school. Pupils who do opt to receive instrumental or vocal tuition in school are expected to take part in a group at a suitable level.

Ensemble playing and singing helps develop music reading and broader skills. The following groups currently operate in school:

Senior and Junior Orchestra | Brass Band  | Senior and Training  Wind Bands | Saxophone Quartet | Brass Ensemble | Chapel Choir | Senior Choir | Year 7 & 8 Girls’ Choir | Boys’ Choir | Musical Theatre Group

School Productions

The Music Department works together with the Drama Department to stage 2 productions each year.  One for Upper school students, and the other, usually in the Summer,  for lower school students (year 7 & 8).

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