
Functional Maths

The Mathematics Department aims to provide a Functional Skills curriculum where all students, regardless of ability, develop confidence and understanding in mathematics. Our goal is that students appreciate the relevance of mathematics in the world around them. We encourage students to become independent thinkers with the resilience to tackle problems, enabling them to make sound decisions as they progress into adulthood.

Our Functional Skills curriculum is designed to enable students to become confident in their application of the 3 themes : Number, Geometry and Statistics. Students’ learning journey builds confidence in mathematics by regularly reviewing prior learning and revisiting key topics from every year of study. Real life problems are used to enable students to make links between mathematic and everyday life, developing the key skills needed for adult life.

Every moment of learning in functional skills is effective to ensure every student becomes the best they can be. Expectations are high and, through enthusiastic, passionate and empathetic teaching, student aspirations are raised, confidence grows and everyone believes they can improve mathematically. Students develop the self-belief and resilience to succeed in the real world, tackling problems with the realisation that we all learn and improve by making mistakes.

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