
A Pupil’s View of the German Exchange



I was very excited to go on the Exchange but when I got there I was very nervous. I met my partner and we had small conversations at first, but it didn’t really seem to be flowing.

The next day conversation was getting better and we went into a few lessons, it was very interesting to see what German school was like.

By the weekend everything was perfect and from then on I didn’t stop laughing! We saw lots of sights and cool places such as Hamburg and Hannover. We made new friends at the school.

The best part of the trip though was the people there. The language barrier was not a problem. If we didn’t understand each other we would just laugh or pretend we did.

I can honestly say that they were some of the nicest people I have ever met! We took lots of photos and we have promised to keep in touch.

I have learnt lots of German in a realistic German environment amongst adults and children.

It was the best experience I have ever had. I never thought I could become so attached to a group of people after one week!

Danke IGS Melle! Tschüss!

 Jack Lawless (Yr 11)

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