
Meet the governors and discover what the governors do for Crompton House School

Welcome from the Chair of the Governors

On behalf of the Governors I would like to welcome you to our school. The Governors, teachers and all the staff form a team that is dedicated to providing not only a high standard of education for all of its students, but also the opportunities to participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities which enrich their lives. You will see that the Governors bring with them a wide range of experience from outside the education system, from business, the Church of England and many other careers, which is fully utilised for the benefit of the students and school.

c/o Crompton House School, Rochdale Road, Shaw, Oldham OL2 7HS

The Governing Body is responsible for overseeing the management and the strategic direction of the school. The Governors are accountable to pupils, parents, Ofsted and the Local Authority for the school’s performance and the standard of teaching and learning at Crompton House School.

All governors are volunteers and are drawn from a wide variety of different backgrounds. Governors spend on average around 6 – 10 hours a month on school matters.

Our duties include:

  • Setting the Strategic Direction of Crompton House School
  • Setting of robust Policies to manage the school
  • Appointing, Challenging and Supporting the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team
  • Ensuring the best use of financial resources including approving the school budget
  • Reviewing the school’s progress against its development plan.

The make-up of our governing body reflects the strong Christian ethos of our school and is made up of:

  • 13 Foundation Governors comprising
  • 4 Administrative Trustees
  • 3 Deanery Governors
  • 3 Parish Governors
  • 3 Diocesan Governors
  • 3 Parent Governors (Elected by parents)
  • 3 Staff Governors (Elected by staff)
  • 1 local Community Governor

The Headteacher is an ex-officio member of the Governing Body.

All governors are Directors of the Crompton House Academy Trust and serve on the governing body for four years from appointment. At the end of the four years they can stand for re-election or be re-appointed.

With the exception of staff and parent governors all governors are elected by the members of the academy trust.

The Chair of Governors and Vice Chair are elected by the Governing Body at the first meeting of the full Governing Body each year.

The full Governing Body meets once every term. Members of the governing body also sit on at least one other committee which concentrates in more detail on specific areas of the school. The following committee meetings are also held termly and each committee has an elected chair whose responsibility it is to feed findings, discussions and actions into the Full Governing Body meeting:

Admissions and Pupil Support | Personnel | Curriculum | Estates and Premises | Finance and Executive

In addition to attending committee meetings and help them develop a better understanding of school life governors regularly visit the school to meet with staff and pupils.  To fulfil their duties effectively all governors are linked to specific departments and Houses which take into account their own interests and skills. Visits are arranged directly with staff from each area and the findings are reported back to the full governing body.

School links include:

Curriculum Teams | Sixth Form | Inclusion – SEN/LAC | Pupil Premium | E Safety | Safeguarding | Pastoral | Christian Ethos | Web | Health & Safety | Critical Incident | Achievement & Data Performance | Responsible Officer

Some governors are also called upon to make up other committees as required to deal with specific matters as they arise including Significant Change, Staff Pay, disciplinary matters and appeals.

Our governors are required to attend internal and external training and development courses to help them perform their role. This training is co-ordinated by the governing body to ensure that all governors have the relevant skills and ensure their knowledge is up to date.

The governors welcome any comments and suggestions on the school and are particularly interested in the views of parents and carers.  Representatives from the governors regularly attend the School’s PTFA Group meetings to ensure they hear these views directly from the parents.

You can also send your comments in writing to the following address:

Chair of Governors Crompton House School Rochdale Road Shaw OL2 7HS

Any issues raised by the parents can then be fed into the next appropriate committee meeting for discussion. Parents are encouraged to use the school’s complaints process in the first instance for any complaints, as governors only become involved when a satisfactory resolution of a submitted complaint has not been possible.

Parent governors are elected by parents and staff governors are elected by staff.  Whenever there is a vacancy for a parent governor, this will be advertised in newsletters, PTFA and on the school website. Details of the election process will be circulated by Parent mail.  Staff governor vacancies will be advertised internally to staff.

Elections are held for parent governors whenever a term of office ends or a parent governor resigns.  The Chair of Governors or one of the existing parent governors will be pleased to discuss the role with you at any time.

Crompton House Administrative Trustees have a duty to uphold the Trust Deed which donated the Crompton House building and site to the diocese of Manchester. They are not involved in the running of the school but must ensure that land and buildings are used in accordance with the Trust Deed. Four members of the  Administrative Trustees are appointed to the Governing Body. A vote is held by the Trustees to decide which four members will  represent the Trust on the governing body.

Local Governing Body 2024 - 2025

Mr R.A.W.Ballard
Ven K Smeeton (appointed September 2024)
Dr P Needham
Mrs L Roberts
Mr D Taylor
Mr G Benson
Mrs M P Swift (Secretary)
Rev D Ramble
Rev A Sheridan (appointed March 2024)

Other documents relating to Governance can be found on our trust website at

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