
More Music Success

At the end of June, while many of our school musicians were still taking their GCSE and A Level exams, nearly one hundred Crompton House pupils went to Oldham’s Queen Elizabeth Hall to take part in the Oldham Schools Music Festival. This week long event, organised by the Oldham Music Service, is a wonderful celebration of Oldham’s amazing musical talent. In a recent survey we found that one third of Crompton House pupils took part in school music events, and 15% have taken part in borough music events. We are very proud of our musical heritage at Crompton House and our close links with Oldham’s Music Centre and were delighted to be awarded the Jaques Stromberg Award for the Outstanding Contribution by a Secondary School. Many of the primary schools that our pupils have attended were also presented with awards, which all bodes well for the future.

The adjudications, which can be read above, were written by Keith Allen, the widely respected artistic director of the National Concert Band Festival.

Many congratulations to all the pupils taking part, and to Mrs Nixon Director of Music, Miss Warburton (Music Teacher) and Mr Pymm (Music Technician).

Five of our groups took part including our highly acclaimed Junior Orchestra which features musicians from some of our local primary schools, Crompton Primary, East Crompton St James and Thornham St James.

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