
New Parent Governors Appointed Sept 2015

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Many thanks to all the parents who voted in the election for the posts of Parent Governor.

On Friday 24th September it was announced that Mrs Jenny Carr, Mrs Sylviane Lawrence and Mr Clive Symonds have been elected as Parent Governors. Their term of office is from 25th September 2015 to 24th September 2019.

Mr Gordon Main, Chair of Governors said: “There was a high return of ballot papers and I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to vote.”

The school would like to thank Mrs Jo Conway, Mr John Waterman, Mr Ian McAlpine, Rev Lynne Connolly and Rev Alan Butler who are leaving the Governors. They have all put in a great deal of time and energy into their time as Governors and we wish them well for the future. Also joining the Governing body are Mr Steven May and Mr Jonathan Swift.

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