
PiXL “Getting into the Top Universities” Student Conference

Eleanor Makinson writes about the 6 Form Conference attended today (Tuesday 29th September 2015):

Today, after an eventful coach journey – 17 students from Crompton House School approached Old Trafford Football Stadium on Tuesday morning. Arriving fashionably late we entered the reception hall to find complementary food laid out for our leisure. Regretfully bypassing this gesture we were ushered into the large stadium where several hundred fellow students were seated, listening intently to a well-spoken admissions lecturer. We took seats as he outlined the purpose of the conference today, listing the prospective universities in question before introducing the guest speakers, both former students of their patron universities. First a lady from Manchester University gave us a beneficial insight into life and courses at Manchester – introducing the history of the Red Brick University, student life, modern advantages and the numerous alumni of the city. Consequently the second guest of the morning stepped up, first attempting to disprove some of the common myths associated with his establishment Oxford University. Being a former student, his accounts of his journey to Oxford were inspiring and relatable. His stories of Assassins Societies and “The Oxford University Quidditch Club” were humorous and certainly dispelled some of the rumours that Oxford is a University with no social life. In all, the group of us left feeling that applications to top universities were not such far-fetched dreams and feeling inspired to make the most of all our future opportunities.

The PiXL Club aims to support the promotion of excellence for pupils. It is determined to do all it can to improve life chances for young people through improved educational achievement and enhanced self-esteem in order to connect them to worthy progression routes in the next stage of their education. Crompton House School is a PiXL school.


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