Arriving at School Safely and on Time
We do encourage students to walk to school if they live locally, when doing so in the winter months it is sensible to wear bright reflective clothing so that traffic can easily see you. Use crossings where available and where possible try to walk with friends to and from school.

Cycling to school is also another recommended method of transport and we insist that students doing so wear helmets. During winter months lights and reflective pads should be used on the bicycle and the rider should also wear bright reflective outer clothing.
A number of cycle racks are available within the school grounds and students are reminded that they park their cycles at their own risk and should lock the cycles to the rack at all times.
Bicycles must not be ridden on within the school grounds nor on pavements near the school.
Information about cycling within Greater Manchester is available here.
By Bus
Crompton House School is well served by bus operators. Please note – from time to time bus route changes/timings occur and when that happens we send out notifications via Parent Mail. Whilst every endeavour is made to ensure the information presented here is correct. All transport timetables are under the control of the respective bus companies and as such you should verify the latest information from them directly.
Students can also catch the public service buses 59 and 181 and these timetables can be found on the TFGM website
Bus Information 2024-2025
Bus Information 2024-2025 Summary
By Tram
For those coming from further afield and served by the Metrolink Tram system. There is a tram stop called Shaw & Crompton which is located conveniently close to the school. The stop is within easy walking distance (allow 10-15 minutes) but there is also a 408 bus which passes the Tram stop and can be used for the remaining journey to school.
Details of routes and timetables into Shaw are available from the Metrolink website

By Car
We try to discourage students being dropped off by car due to excessive traffic build-up outside the school entrance, which not only causes a disruption to our neighbours but also increases the hazard to those students walking and cycling into school and trying to cross the road safely.
If it is unavoidable then please drive to a spot some distance away from the school entrance and with due respect for the local residents find a safe spot to stop and safely allow your child to exit/enter the vehicle and allow them to walk the remaining distance.
Parking for drop off purposes within school grounds is strictly forbidden with the exception of any child who requires this access due to a disability or other previously agreed concession.
Be aware that traffic enforcement is in place in the form of yellow lines and other restrictive conditions and these must be observed at all times. Traffic enforcement vehicles regularly patrol the roads around the school.