
Year 10 Geography Fieldtrip to Swanage 2016

A Year 10 student gives an overview of the fieldtrip. Due to sheer numbers (112), the trip operated as two trips with the other coach completing the fieldtrip the opposite way around.

Day 1 – Monday 11th July 2016

On Monday morning we set off for Swanage, Dorset, the coach journey was a long one but two comfort breaks split it up nicely. As we were approaching Swanage the sea was visible in the distance and it was nice and sunny, the youth hostel was nice and had great coastal views and was in just the right spot as everywhere we needed to go to was easily accessible. After dinner we went to the classrooms where we were briefed on the activities and fieldwork we would do over the course of the 3 days. After this we went on a walk along the beach to start off our fieldwork – it was a bit chilly but the views made up for it.

Day 2 – Tuesday 12th July 2016

Waking up before 7am wasn’t the highlight of the day but after a full English breakfast we were ready for the walk to Durdle Door and Lulworth Cove, we visited Stair Hole first and then Lulworth Cove and both were spectacular, clear blue water and fantastic coastal attractions. We completed notes and attempted to sketch the features. Then we were off on a short walk up a hill towards Durdle Door. Durdle Door itself was worth the walk; a huge natural arch in the limestone rock with a small beach opposite it. Next we looked at some more coastal features followed by lunch then a mass trip to the ice cream van. Then back down the hill and back to the main town of Swanage!

Once back in Swanage it was data collection time for our controlled assessment. Many data collections techniques were used such as:

  • Pedestrian count
  • Traffic survey
  • Footfall count
  • Environmental quality analysis
  • Risk assessment

After all this was completed we were allowed free time around Swanage and were allowed on the beach and paddle in the sea. By 5 O’clock we were back in the hostel to have some more free time before dinner at 6; burger and chips or jacket potato. At 7 we were back in the classroom to finish the day’s work.

Day 3 – Wednesday 13th July 2016

Our final day in Swanage greeted us with blue skies and warm temperatures. The coach dropped us off further down the coastline on a depositional landform – a spit – Shell Bay. From here we walked along the beach once again stopping to take notes and sketches. We were on the beach for about an hour and a half understanding coastal processes. Thankfully the heavens opened whilst we were eating lunch so we were able to seek shelter in the National Trust café. Once off the beach it was a short walk under some cliffs, past a fallen pillbox from World War II and across some fields to reach Old Harry; a collection of rocks, a stack a stump and some cut off cliffs. These were bigger than expected and were definitely worth waiting for.

After a short break we walked over a hill where at the bottom we could see Swanage Bay and the town, at the bottom of the hill we were back on the beach!! We climbed over some groynes and took some more notes on coastal management. Once back at the main part of town we were allowed free time around the town. That night we had our final lesson where we finished all the data collection and introduction planning. We all have a lot of work to complete over the summer break to ensure that we all gain excellent grades on the controlled assessment.

Day 4 – Thursday 14th July 2016

On Thursday morning we had breakfast and set off for home as soon as possible. It was another long journey but with a break in the middle it wasn’t too bad. Mid afternoon we arrived back at school and went home! The end of a brilliant fieldtrip!

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